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intuitive mentor
energy healer
human design reader



Hello Love!

Someway, somehow, you ended up in this exact spot and I believe everything happens for a reason! So welcome to exactly where you are supposed to be!

My name is Jamie Cagan and I am an Intuitive Mentor that specializes in empowering women to know that the answers they seek are all inside of them! I am passionate about enjoying our time here on earth through physical experiences, energy upgrades, and human connection.

I believe energy work, intuition, and understanding your soul blueprint are key in unlocking true happiness from within and manifesting your desires. I offer energy healing sessions and 1:1 custom coaching sessions to help empower you to do it your way, follow your intuition, and live more in alignment.

Together lets release all the “shoulds” and limitations and start using your energy to create your dream life.

I am so happy you are here!
Take a look around and see if anything calls to you...xo


“I have been able to access new parts of me and make breakthroughs that I didn’t know were possible. I am coming out of working with Jamie feeling like a whole new version of myself.”